MS Access VBA Function – Automated Multiple Query Object Creation from previously created table of SQL

This completes the task of taking automatically generated SQL previously placed in a table and writes the SQL therein to Query Objects naming them automatically. This has several advantages to cut and paste –

1) Its Lightning Quick
2) Completely consistent naming
3) Cut and Paste can be awkward with the windows
4) Its just fun

To created the NestedIIfs table see this post

MS Access VBA Function – Creating NestedIIFs

This is the post on writing Query Objects directly

MS Access – Automated Single Query Object Creation

It requires that you have a table called T005NestedIIFs
with the populated fields

Public Function WriteNIFQueryObjects(LCounter As Long) As String

Dim rstX As DAO.Recordset
Dim QName As String
Dim qdf As Variant
Dim strSQL As String
Dim LCountStart As Long

LCountStart = LCounter

Set rstX = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("T005NestedIIFs")

Do Until rstX.EOF = True
qdf = rstX!SQLField
QName = "Q" & LCounter & rstX!TargTable & "-" & rstX!Targfield & "-Update"
LCounter = LCounter + 1
Set qdf = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef(QName, rstX!SQLField)



MsgBox "Query objects written to Database numbers starting" & LCountStart

End Function

Run Web Applications in Application Mode : Google Chrome

Turns out the Chrome browser has implemented a really nice display option specifically for websites that have aspects of an application which allows you to remove the clutter at the top of your browser window and makes a website appear in an application like window.

Go to the web page you are interesting in accessing via an application. In my case

In the top right corner of the web browser next to the address bar you should see three vertical dots – select it to get the drop down menu and then select More Tools and then Create Shortcut.

You should now see the following dialog – ensure the Open as Window is ticked and then hit the Create Button. You can alter its name if you wish.

Now you get a nice icon on your desktop related to the site and what’s more when you open it up there is no address bar and within the taskbar you get the correct icon for the website see below example.

MS Access VBA Function – Create MS Access Query Object – more automation :)

In line with my general theme of automation here’s the framework of a tiny but potentially very useful function to create queries in the current database, linking this in with the loop queries and say something like the nested IF generation function could allow you to take your table of nested queries and write them to the database.

Public Function CreateQuery()

Dim strSQL As String
Dim qdf As Variant

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM T01Contacts"

Set qdf = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef("GeneratedQuery", strSQL)
MsgBox "GeneratedQuery Created!"

End Function

I like!

Compact Database automatically using this MS Access Function and VB Script

If like me you sometimes need to run multiple SQL statements in MS Access on a regular basis maybe at a particular time some of which are deletes, you will need to find a way to automate regular compacts. Here’s some code scavenged from the interweb that will allow you to do this.

Firstly create the following function in your target MS Access database.

Public Function CompactDatabase()
      Dim vStatusBar As Variant
      DoCmd.SetWarnings False
          If FileLen(CurrentDb.Name) > 2000000 Then
              Application.SetOption ("Auto Compact"), 1
              Application.SetOption "Show Status Bar", True
              vStatusBar = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, "The application will be compacted on close during compaction please do not interrupt")
              Application.SetOption ("Auto Compact"), 0
          End If
End Function

Next open up notepad paste in the following code save it as a txt file and then in explorer edit the suffix to vbs. Then simply double click on the file within explorer to run it. You should see the access database you have identified in the VB script open and then immediately close at which point it carries out the compact. The eagle eyed will have spotted that the above function doesn’t actually perform a compact. All it does is set the compact on close option to True within Access settings. The VB Script then instructs the database to close and Access compacts the database on exit.

set oAccess = createobject("Access.Application")

oAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase "C:Path\TargetDatabaseyouwantCompacted.mdb"
oAccess.visible = true
wscript.sleep 1000
oAccess.Run "CompactDatabase"

set oAccess = nothing

A VB script such as this could be used to remotely run any MS Access function or functions – simply substitute the “CompactDatabase” parameter (or add further run commands) with the name(s) of the function(s) in the database you wish to trigger and then run the VB Script. Be warned the speed at which functions and commands within functions run may vary when called from a vbscript so you may have to use some experimentation to input things like pauses and waits if you start to get very imaginative with the functions run.

MS Access VBA Function – Generate Multiple Nested IIF SQL statements into table with parameter to set Number of Nestings

So in my previous post I had looked at generating single SQL Nested IF statements using MS Access but had highlighted that Access will error out indicating the SQL is too complex should there be more than 13 nested IIFs in a single SQL.

What happens if you have 20 values that you require to be changed.
Answer = you pick 13 and produce one sql statement with 13 nested if statements and another with 7 nested IIF statements.

But damn it,doesn’t that introduces yet another manual step to what was supposed to be automation. Yes it does this is why I wrote this function which allows you to define the number of nestings and will go off and write the appropriate number. And yes I hear you DBAs saying a better way would be to link in the conversion table at the beginning – absolutely but there may be occasions where you can’t link to the required database.

The following iterates through a conversion table and writes the resulting SQL into a table named T005NestedIIFs – it should be noted that the Wend statement is artificially optomised here and if you have an extremely large code conversion table you may need to work on this code to make it dynamically alter the number of WEND statements depending on the BatchFileNo you wish to create and its relation to the number of records in the conversion table. The below code goes to the last record as part of the recordset count and when at 0 will jump to exit so for smaller code conversions its semi-dynamic but for larger files the limit of values converted with be the BatchFileSize * 200 which may or may not be big enough for purpose.

To have this working you will need two tables and knowledge of a third.
This should have 5 fields

The flag fields only require a single integer value. They are used to record how far through the conversion table you have reached so that when you break from your SQL query you resume at the finish of your former position.

The queries are placed in table
In which I have created 3 fields
One marked SQLfield

Public Function CreateTableofSQL(TargetTable As Variant, TargetFieldforUpdate As Variant, BatchSizeNo As Long)
On Error GoTo Err_Writetofile

Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim rst2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim rst3 As DAO.Recordset
Dim rst4 As DAO.Recordset
Dim RecordCount1 As Long
Dim RecordCount2 As Long
Dim LCounter As Integer
Dim SQLString1 As String

LCounter = 1

While LCounter < 200

LCounter = LCounter + 1

SQLString1 = ""

'Three recordsets were testing differing flag fields because order of the integrity of the recordsets were being affected by each other
Set rst2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT TOP " & BatchSizeNo & " T001CodeConversionTable.PKID, T001CodeConversionTable.OldValue, T001CodeConversionTable.NewValue, T001CodeConversionTable.xFlag2 FROM T001CodeConversionTable WHERE (((T001CodeConversionTable.xFlag2)<>1));")
Set rst3 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT TOP " & BatchSizeNo & " T001CodeConversionTable.PKID, T001CodeConversionTable.OldValue, T001CodeConversionTable.NewValue, T001CodeConversionTable.xFlag3 FROM T001CodeConversionTable WHERE (((T001CodeConversionTable.xFlag3)<>1));")
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT TOP " & BatchSizeNo & " T001CodeConversionTable.PKID, T001CodeConversionTable.OldValue, T001CodeConversionTable.NewValue, T001CodeConversionTable.xFlag1 FROM T001CodeConversionTable WHERE (((T001CodeConversionTable.xFlag1)<>1));")

'MoveLast required to ensure correct record count at first pass reset to first after this
RecordCount1 = rst.RecordCount
RecordCount2 = rst3.RecordCount

SQLString1 = SQLString1 & "UPDATE " & TargetTable & " SET " & TargetTable & "." & TargetFieldforUpdate & "="
Do Until rst.EOF = True
rst!xFlag1 = 1
RecordCount1 = RecordCount1 - 1
SQLString1 = SQLString1 & "IIF((" & TargetTable & "!" & TargetFieldforUpdate & "='" & rst!OldValue & "'),'" & rst!NewValue & "'"
If RecordCount1 = 0 Then
SQLString1 = SQLString1 & " "
SQLString1 = SQLString1 & ","
End If


Do Until rst2.EOF = True
SQLString1 = SQLString1 & ")"
rst2!xFlag2 = 1
SQLString1 = SQLString1 & " WHERE (("


Do Until rst3.EOF = True
RecordCount2 = RecordCount2 - 1
SQLString1 = SQLString1 & "(" & TargetTable & "!" & TargetFieldforUpdate & ")='" & rst3!OldValue & "'"
rst3!xFlag3 = 1
If RecordCount2 = 0 Then
SQLString1 = SQLString1 & " "
SQLString1 = SQLString1 & " OR "
End If



SQLString1 = SQLString1 & "));"

Set rst4 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("T005NestedIIFs")
With rst4
rst4!SQLfield = SQLString1
rst4!Targfield = TargetFieldforUpdate
rst4!Targtable = TargetTable
End With


 Exit Function

    If Err.Number = 3021 Then
    MsgBox "All records in Translation table written out no more to translate"
    MsgBox Err.Description
    End If
 Resume Exit_WritetoFileError

End Function

Generate Nested IIF SQL using VBA code

I came across a situation at work where we were needing to alter a large number of values in particular fields from one value to another. Here is a function I put together to assist in this. After some thought it was obvious that this would be better accomplished joining the conversion table in the query editor and moving on from there, particularly because MS Access has a limit on the number nested IIFs allowed in a single statement. Nonetheless I publish it here as it may prove useful.

Here I create a table T001CodeConversionTable that holds the translation from one set of codes to another. This field also has to have several fields in it named

The variables TargetTable and TargetFieldforUpdate exist in the table that will have the resultant SQL performed on it.

Public Function CreateNestedIF(TargetTable As Variant, TargetFieldforUpdate As Variant)

Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim rst2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim rst3 As DAO.Recordset
Dim RecordCount1 As Long
Dim RecordCount2 As Long

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("T001CodeConversionTable")
Set rst2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("T001CodeConversionTable")
Set rst3 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("T001CodeConversionTable")

RecordCount1 = rst.RecordCount
RecordCount2 = rst3.RecordCount

Dim fs, TextFile
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set TextFile = fs.CreateTextFile("C:\Users\Mark\Documents\NestedIFs.txt", True)
TextFile.WriteLine ("UPDATE " & TargetTable & " SET " & TargetTable & "." & TargetFieldforUpdate & "=")
Do Until rst.EOF = True
RecordCount1 = RecordCount1 - 1
TextFile.WriteLine ("IIF((" & TargetTable & "!" & TargetFieldforUpdate & "='" & rst!OldValue & "'),'" & rst!NewValue & "'")
If RecordCount1 = 0 Then
TextFile.WriteLine ("")
TextFile.WriteLine (",")
End If


Do Until rst2.EOF = True
TextFile.WriteLine (")")
TextFile.WriteLine ("WHERE ((")


Do Until rst3.EOF = True
RecordCount2 = RecordCount2 - 1
TextFile.WriteLine ("(" & TargetTable & "!" & TargetFieldforUpdate & ")='" & rst3!OldValue & "'")
If RecordCount2 = 0 Then
TextFile.WriteLine ("")
TextFile.WriteLine ("OR")
End If


TextFile.WriteLine ("));")


MsgBox "Created NestedIFs File in C drive"

End Function