MS SQL Azure – TSQL to identify all Triggers in a database / Drop Trigger TSQL syntax

I had been told that it was better not to use Triggers..

Nonetheless I had to learn the hard way.

So fast forward a period and I’m wanting to remove triggers from a database and I first need to find where I had put them in the first instance.

SELECT AS trigger_name 
    ,USER_NAME(sysobjects.uid) AS trigger_owner 
    , AS table_schema 
    ,OBJECT_NAME(parent_obj) AS table_name 
    ,OBJECTPROPERTY( id, 'ExecIsUpdateTrigger') AS isupdate 
    ,OBJECTPROPERTY( id, 'ExecIsDeleteTrigger') AS isdelete 
    ,OBJECTPROPERTY( id, 'ExecIsInsertTrigger') AS isinsert 
    ,OBJECTPROPERTY( id, 'ExecIsAfterTrigger') AS isafter 
    ,OBJECTPROPERTY( id, 'ExecIsInsteadOfTrigger') AS isinsteadof 
    ,OBJECTPROPERTY(id, 'ExecIsTriggerDisabled') AS [disabled] 
FROM sysobjects 
INNER JOIN sysusers 
    ON sysobjects.uid = sysusers.uid 
INNER JOIN sys.tables t 
    ON sysobjects.parent_obj = t.object_id 

INNER JOIN sys.schemas s 
    ON t.schema_id = s.schema_id 
WHERE sysobjects.type = 'TR'

And running this against your database you should see something like this.

And how you drop the triggers

IF OBJECT_ID ('sampledelete2chargehistory', 'TR') IS NOT NULL  
   DROP TRIGGER sampledelete2chargehistory;

Thanks to Stack Overflow – I still get some answers from it over AI


MS SQL Azure to MS Access – Using VBA to Dump Azure Tables into MS Access Tables

The first thing you need to get sorted when moving to SQL Azure is having the ability to get your information out and safe if needs be. When experimenting with MS Azure and for applications that don’t have sensitive information it is nice to have that information available in an easily accessible format. Here are a series of functions that will copy Azure Tables linked to database into local MS Access tables with the prefix ZCOPY.

The starting point in this should be an MS Access database that should be linked to your SQL Azure Database. Only those tables that are linked will be copied. Remember the 2GB limit on Access.

I think I have got all the functions here that are required to make it work and include the complete module at the bottom but first I will breakdown the modules and list describe what each of the functions do.

First create a table to store the list of tables in the Azure Database

Public Function CreateTableT0001AzureTablesGlobal()
     Dim dbs As Database
     Set dbs = CurrentDb
        dbs.Execute "CREATE TABLE T0001AzureTablesGlobal " _
        & "(PKID AUTOINCREMENT, " _
        & "AzureTableName CHAR CONSTRAINT PKID " _
        & "PRIMARY KEY);"
End Function

Now Create a Function that will hold the SQL that takes the tables and makes them locally.

Public Function CreateTableT0002SQL()
     Dim dbs As Database
     Set dbs = CurrentDb
        dbs.Execute "CREATE TABLE T0002SQL " _
        & "(PKID AUTOINCREMENT, " _
        & "PRIMARY KEY);"
End Function

A function that allows for stepping through the table

Public Function AddByteColumn(TblName As String, FieldName As String)
'Just use byte data type as only going to use this for a flag

DoCmd.RunSQL "AlTER TABLE [" & TblName & "] ADD COLUMN " & FieldName & " BYTE;"

End Function

Step through the Linked Azure Tables and poupulate table T001 with their names

Public Function CreateandPopulateListofDBOTableNames()

'These will typically be the names of the SQL Server tables this should work both with SQL Server and SQL Azure

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim rstList As DAO.Recordset

'Call CreateTableT0001AzureTablesGlobal

Set rstList = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("T0001AzureTablesGlobal")
Set db = CurrentDb

For Each tdf In db.TableDefs
    ' ignore system and temporary tables and tables starting with T - personal choice option
    If Not (tdf.Name Like "MSys*" Or tdf.Name Like "~*" Or tdf.Name Like "T*") Then
       With rstList
       rstList!AzureTableName = tdf.Name
      End With
    End If

Set tdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

End Function

The next function is required to strip out additional spaces in names

Public Function FindXReplaceY(FixTable As String, FixColumn As String, X As String, Y As String) As Variant

Dim strSQL As String

strSQL = "UPDATE [" & FixTable & "] SET [" & FixTable & "].[" & FixColumn & "] = REPLACE([" & FixColumn & "]," & Chr$(34) & X & Chr$(34) & "," & Chr$(34) & Y & """);"

DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

End Function

We can now write the VBA that will write the make table SQL that once run will put one make table query into the maketableSQL table for each Azure table.

Public Function CreateMakeTableSQL()

On Error GoTo Err_CreateMakeTableSQL
Dim rstSQL As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstSQLx As DAO.Recordset
Dim dbc As DAO.Database
Dim SQLStringAdd As String
Dim LCounter As Long

Set dbc = CurrentDb

LCounter = 1
While LCounter < 9000
LCounter = LCounter + 1
Set rstSQL = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT T0001AzureTablesGlobal.PKID, T0001AzureTablesGlobal.AzureTableName, T0001AzureTablesGlobal.XFLag1 FROM T0001AzureTablesGlobal WHERE (((T0001AzureTablesGlobal.XFLag1) Is Null));")

SQLStringAdd = "SELECT * INTO COPY" & rstSQL!AzureTableName & " FROM " & rstSQL!AzureTableName & ";"

Set rstSQLx = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("T0002SQL")
With rstSQLx
rstSQLx!SQL = SQLStringAdd
End With

With rstSQL
rstSQL!XFLag1 = 1
End With


    Exit Function

Select Case Err.Number
 Case 3021
   Resume Exit_CreateMakeTableSQL
  Case Else
  Resume Exit_CreateMakeTableSQL
  End Select
End Function

And finally Run all the queries

Public Function RunQueriesFromTable2(SQLSource As String)

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

Dim StartTime As Date
Dim EndTime As Date
Dim rstZ As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL2 As String

StartTime = Now()

Set rstZ = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQLSource)

Do Until rstZ.EOF

strSQL2 = rstZ!SQL
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL2


DoCmd.SetWarnings True

EndTime = Now()

MsgBox "Finished ALL SQL queries! Process started at " & StartTime & " and finished at " & EndTime

End Function

And a script to pull all of this together

Public Function GetAzureScript()

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Call CreateTableT0001AzureTablesGlobal
Call CreateandPopulateListofDBOTableNames
Call FindXReplaceY("T0001AzureTablesGlobal", "AzureTablename", " ", "")
Call FindXReplaceY("T0001AzureTablesGlobal", "AzureTablename", Chr(10), "")
Call AddByteColumn("T0001AzureTablesGlobal", "XFLag1")
Call CreateTableT0002SQL
Call CreateMakeTableSQL
Call FindXReplaceY("T0002SQL", "SQL", " ", "")
Call FindXReplaceY("T0002SQL", "SQL", Chr(10), "")
Call FindXReplaceY("T0002SQL", "SQL", "FROM", " FROM ")
Call RunQueriesFromTable("T0002SQL")
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

End Function

The complete module

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Public Function GetAzureScript()

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Call CreateTableT0001AzureTablesGlobal
Call CreateandPopulateListofDBOTableNames
Call FindXReplaceY("T0001AzureTablesGlobal", "AzureTablename", " ", "")
Call FindXReplaceY("T0001AzureTablesGlobal", "AzureTablename", Chr(10), "")
Call AddByteColumn("T0001AzureTablesGlobal", "XFLag1")
Call CreateTableT0002SQL
Call CreateMakeTableSQL
Call FindXReplaceY("T0002SQL", "SQL", " ", "")
Call FindXReplaceY("T0002SQL", "SQL", Chr(10), "")
Call FindXReplaceY("T0002SQL", "SQL", "FROM", " FROM ")
Call RunQueriesFromTable2("T0002SQL")
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

End Function

Public Function CreateandPopulateListofDBOTableNames()

'These will typically be the names of the SQL Server tables this should work both with SQL Server and SQL Azure

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim rstList As DAO.Recordset

'Call CreateTableT0001AzureTablesGlobal

Set rstList = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("T0001AzureTablesGlobal")
Set db = CurrentDb

For Each tdf In db.TableDefs
    ' ignore system and temporary tables and tables starting with T - personal choice option
    If Not (tdf.Name Like "MSys*" Or tdf.Name Like "~*" Or tdf.Name Like "T*") Then
       With rstList
       rstList!AzureTableName = tdf.Name
      End With
    End If

Set tdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

End Function

Public Function FindXReplaceY(FixTable As String, FixColumn As String, X As String, Y As String) As Variant

Dim strSQL As String

strSQL = "UPDATE [" & FixTable & "] SET [" & FixTable & "].[" & FixColumn & "] = REPLACE([" & FixColumn & "]," & Chr$(34) & X & Chr$(34) & "," & Chr$(34) & Y & """);"

DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

End Function

Public Function CreateTableT0001AzureTablesGlobal()
     Dim dbs As Database
     Set dbs = CurrentDb
        dbs.Execute "CREATE TABLE T0001AzureTablesGlobal " _
        & "(PKID AUTOINCREMENT, " _
        & "AzureTableName CHAR CONSTRAINT PKID " _
        & "PRIMARY KEY);"
End Function

Public Function CreateTableT0002SQL()
     Dim dbs As Database
     Set dbs = CurrentDb
        dbs.Execute "CREATE TABLE T0002SQL " _
        & "(PKID AUTOINCREMENT, " _
        & "PRIMARY KEY);"
End Function

Public Function AddByteColumn(TblName As String, FieldName As String)
'Just use byte data type as only going to use this for a flag

DoCmd.RunSQL "AlTER TABLE [" & TblName & "] ADD COLUMN " & FieldName & " BYTE;"

End Function

Public Function CreateMakeTableSQL()

On Error GoTo Err_CreateMakeTableSQL
Dim rstSQL As DAO.Recordset
Dim rstSQLx As DAO.Recordset
Dim dbc As DAO.Database
Dim SQLStringAdd As String
Dim LCounter As Long

Set dbc = CurrentDb

LCounter = 1
While LCounter < 9000
LCounter = LCounter + 1
Set rstSQL = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT T0001AzureTablesGlobal.PKID, T0001AzureTablesGlobal.AzureTableName, T0001AzureTablesGlobal.XFLag1 FROM T0001AzureTablesGlobal WHERE (((T0001AzureTablesGlobal.XFLag1) Is Null));")
SQLStringAdd = "SELECT * INTO COPY" & rstSQL!AzureTableName & " FROM " & rstSQL!AzureTableName & ";"

Set rstSQLx = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("T0002SQL")
With rstSQLx
rstSQLx!SQL = SQLStringAdd
End With

With rstSQL
rstSQL!XFLag1 = 1
End With


    Exit Function

Select Case Err.Number
 Case 3021
   Resume Exit_CreateMakeTableSQL
  Case Else
  Resume Exit_CreateMakeTableSQL
  End Select
End Function

Public Function RunQueriesFromTable2(SQLSource As String)

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

Dim StartTime As Date
Dim EndTime As Date
Dim rstZ As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL2 As String

StartTime = Now()

Set rstZ = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQLSource)

Do Until rstZ.EOF

strSQL2 = rstZ!SQL
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL2


DoCmd.SetWarnings True

EndTime = Now()

MsgBox "Finished ALL SQL queries! Process started at " & StartTime & " and finished at " & EndTime

End Function

Linking to SQL Server / Oracle – don’t skip the set key field on linking

After writing Update queries with multiple joins on linked Oracle Databases I was receiving an error on running particular update queries on linked tables that had no Primary Key identified.
On linking the tables I had been asked to identify a field with a unique value. Not thinking I had passed on this and initially this didn’t seem to be an issue. Subsequently I identified that the error associated with the update queries originated from this lack of key identification. Re-linking required tables and ensuring that I identified a unique key allowed for these queries to be processed. This of course is because Access is wanting to use the unique key to identify the field for update.

The message

Operation must use an updateable query.

Just one to be mindful of if you are linking to enterprise grade backend databases.

MS Access VBA Function – Automated Multiple Query Object Creation from previously created table of SQL

This completes the task of taking automatically generated SQL previously placed in a table and writes the SQL therein to Query Objects naming them automatically. This has several advantages to cut and paste –

1) Its Lightning Quick
2) Completely consistent naming
3) Cut and Paste can be awkward with the windows
4) Its just fun

To created the NestedIIfs table see this post

MS Access VBA Function – Creating NestedIIFs

This is the post on writing Query Objects directly

MS Access – Automated Single Query Object Creation

It requires that you have a table called T005NestedIIFs
with the populated fields

Public Function WriteNIFQueryObjects(LCounter As Long) As String

Dim rstX As DAO.Recordset
Dim QName As String
Dim qdf As Variant
Dim strSQL As String
Dim LCountStart As Long

LCountStart = LCounter

Set rstX = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("T005NestedIIFs")

Do Until rstX.EOF = True
qdf = rstX!SQLField
QName = "Q" & LCounter & rstX!TargTable & "-" & rstX!Targfield & "-Update"
LCounter = LCounter + 1
Set qdf = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef(QName, rstX!SQLField)



MsgBox "Query objects written to Database numbers starting" & LCountStart

End Function

AutoHotKey : Navigation between Satellite Applications to improve Work Flow

A while back I wrote a post about how allowing parameters to be passed to URLs is a big benefit in increasing the speed with which you can navigate to individual records in apparently non-connected web applications.

But what do you do if you are faced with a satellite application whose vendor has not implemented this URL friendly facility. Users are left with the very jarring break to the flow of their work when they have to leave the application they are in and navigate to another application sometimes manually having to link to the other application records form via a search field. This searching task when multiplied many times can be really tedious, repetitive, demotivating and time consuming not to mention pointless.

How can we better serve our users?

The other day I came across an open source program called AutoHotKey that allows me to improve this task.


Autohotkey is an open source project that allows the creation and compilation of simple or complicated scripts that can be used to navigate anything on a computer. That means desktop OR web applications. The following is something that I worked out last week to be able to navigate a web application by triggering a script from MS Access vba. The great thing is that you can pass parameters from a database application to a middle layer and trigger a set of commands to be run.

Let us take the example of a recent problem I faced. Many councils throughout the United Kingdom have bought an application from a company that manages the information associated with making planning applications, it consists of both desktop and web applications that help manage the submission and decision making associated with development. The vendor recently “upgraded” the application resulting in it no longer accepting planning application numbers to its URL as a method of going straight to the record. This was meaning that users of one of my satellite applications were faced with being dropped into a search screen and then needing to manually type a field from one application into the field of another application. QED dull and repetitive task.

There follows and overview of my solution. Firstly download the following programs


2)iWB2 Learner – which is a small program for identifying element names and id in INTERNET explorer.
iWB2 Learner
iwebbrowser2 Download

My script for Autohotkey was as follows.

FindRecordReference.ahk (written in plain old notepad and saved to a known location with the suffix changed to ahk)


URL := "https://onlinerecordset/"

WB := ComObjCreate("InternetExplorer.Application")
WB.Visible := True
While wb.readyState != 4 || wb.document.readyState != "complete" || wb.busy ; wait for page to open
	Sleep, 10
wb.document.getElementById("simpleSearchString").value := Application
While wb.readyState != 4 || wb.document.readyState != "complete" || wb.busy
	Sleep, 10



Using iWB2 Learner to identify the element names on the web page
This video shows iWB2 Learner being used it unfortunately does not have any sound.

VIDEO Using iWB Learner with AutoHotKey

Next you will need to trigger the AHK – You will need design access to the program that is sending the instruction to do this. In my MS Access application I have the following code that triggers the script in the above.

Private Sub Command43GoToOnlineRecord_Click()
    Dim strRecordNo As String
    Dim strAHKname As String
    strPlanApp = "LIVE/" & Me.RecordNo
    strAHKname = "\\[YourServerName]\FindRecordReference.exe"
    Call Shell(strAHKname & " " & strRecordNo, vbMaximizedFocus)
End Sub

The computer that holds the AHK script need not have AutoHotKey installed if it doesn’t you can compile your script into an executable that will not require installation. Here I created the executable on another computer and transferred it to the \\server1-cluster\ahk location ready to be called by the VBA

Consecutive parameters passed to Autohokey are consecutively named %1% %2% etc.. In my script I pass the planning application as %1% and rename it APPLICATION immediately.

Compiling the AHK is done by moving to a computer with AHK installed and navigating in Explorer to the file and then right click and Compile will be an option. Note the processor architecture is important when compiling. If your target machine is 32bit then you need to compile on a 32bit machine – same with 64.

The devil is always in the detail – Setting constants to Russian cyrillics in VB

With programming the devil is always in the detail. Just out of curiosity I was thinking about the code that I have posted that randomises information in a database and I was thinking why don’t I try to randomise the names using the Cyrillic alphabet?

Totally unnecessary I know but what I did discover is that Visual Basic for applications does not support Russian Cyrillics in the coding window and therefore constants cannot be statically set to Russian Cyrillic values.

As ever people have figured out how to get around this omission.

Here’s some code from the net that may help… (haven’t tried it yet)

strString = ChrW(decimal value) & ChrW(decimal value) & ChrW(decimal value) & ChrW(decimal value) & ChrW(decimal value) etc.

Search for the characters you want then hover over the symbol to see the decimal number.

It of course raises lots of questions- what alphabet do coders in Russia use as a general standard? – I’m sure other IDEs will support non western alphabets but I suspect many programming languages are Latin alphabet centric. Come to think of it that must present quite a challenge for any individuals with a language not based on the latin alphabet wanting to be programmers. Full respect I guess they first need to learn English to really get to grips with programming.

MS Access SQL for randomising the results from a query


I was wanting to randomize the source of a form so that I could test myself on some Russian within a table. Turns out its very simple. Basing a Query on the following SQL will achieve it.

SELECT TableName.PKID, TableName.Field1, TableName.Field2
FROM TableName

The nice thing about basing a form on this is that every time you open the query it will run a query and give you a complete random list but importantly if you want to navigate through the records in the form it will remember the random order and you can go back and forth in the list and it will be in the order as originally opened.

The interesting thing about this code is that it takes its seed from the time (the function NOW) the next thing I am thinking about doing is making that a definable variable that can be set automatically by the user. As I said I have used the above code to test myself on Russian Vocabulary. I have a dictionary of all the words that I have come across at present. I am given a phrase or word in English and I must type it out in Russian. This was good except when I opened the form it would test me on the table in the same order everytime. Great except I new the first part of the table well and steadily got worse as I went through the table. The table is now so big that I would never sit down and work through the whole table. Randomising the table prior to opening the form solved this but introduced a new problem. Having the same list was useful for building up knowledge of the words it effectively broke the table into a small subset. By having a variable that the user could define they or myself will be able to only move to a random list once I am confident of those words. My thinking is that this will break down what is now quite a large list into smaller parts to learn but I can still use repetition to improve my competency and rate of learning.

Internal Development Good or Bad

Elite Dangerous from Frontier Developments an example of a game built on internally developed game engine – and they are seriously kicking ass as a result.

It is tempting having been burnt with IT projects to say right that’s it I don’t trust consultants anymore I’m going to try and do everything by myself we cannot trust outside companies with our valuable processes – we are after all primarily purely a process company and our processes are golden to us. I must admit I have had periods of my working life where I have been sympathetic to this view. I have found Internally developed systems great because – they motivate internal teams, they increase knowledge of systems design, they can be completely market leading, they can be incredibly flexible and reactive, they really engender responsibility and accountability, they can be very incremental and adaptable and certain individuals can develop systems often using existing IT infrastructure for solely labour costs. (Why employ capable people if you don’t want to use them?)

Against this there are some fairly big black marks which for some are insurmountable.
They tend to be very person dependent with a lot of power resting with certain individuals
Often those individuals are not necessarily chosen by management and often management really don’t like this.
People move on
Most systems will take a year to at least get up and running and sometimes solutions are needed quicker than this.

As a result I would always suggest a mixed strategy of allowing talented individuals to develop those areas for which there are no good products on the market while encouraging buy in of good tools and good products where tools and products do exist. It really should not be an either or and going down solely down either path could lead to problems. It is of course rare to go solely down the all internal route but I am aware of companies only going down the externally produced route.

But be aware even if you are going down the open source and internal development path – be prepared to invest. Buy good IDEs – don’t skimp on database support. Hire consultants (but please give them focused tasks non delivery of results from consultants is often because they’ve been hired without any real idea of what is required of them) Buy products because they look interesting. Financially support open source projects that are actively contributing – not because your liberal with your money but because value is value chances are you can still choose a cheaper path that benefits you and the providers by not leaving yourself open to the kind of consultancy that costs but does not provide. Most of all its your chance to buy in and vote on the future of your software. Open source providers will sit up and notice pay attention and give real weight to your requests.

Be warned though this kind of imagination and vision requires allowing good visibility and control across large parts of the network something that seems to contradict the general trend towards tighter formal security (at least where I work). I would argue however that tighter security often leads to loss of accountability and responsility (a lack of people who can track through all the programs of an issue) resulting in people and especially management being completely blind sided by problems and counter intuitively greater risk of negilgence and greater opportunity for fraud. [Financial Crisis and the Accounting profession anyone?]

I would add that if you really want to be world class you are going to have to take control of your software.

Complex Event Processing (How Cool)


As part of my timing software solution I had been interested in seeing if there was a better solution to the constant pulling of information from the timing boxes. It would for instance be far better to have some sort of push mechanism where calculations were only made when new information was received.

Turns out that with the advent of big data (which to my mind is being driven by sensors) it seems to be a bit of a hot topic. Doubtless brought on by the myriad number of devices and sensors which are in the market at the moment. Microsoft have a framework called StreamInSight which is free to those that already have SQL Server 2012 licence (not sure which level)

I still have a lot of questions.
Leading on from the post I did on designing my own timing software I consider that it would be useful as a single time could come in and it could be linked up with its partner times and a lap number could be calculated that would allow the relatively easy display via pivot. A process that could occur as the information came in rather than being pulled and batched which is the way my system does it at the moment.

Not sure how I can get my hands on the framework though… Would love to try it out.

Resources here.

StreamInsight: More than Just an API

Step through forms and alter properties.

A nice patch of code that will allow you to cycle through a series of forms and make them read only. Useful if you don’t have immediate access to make changes to the backend, SQL Server or active directory. If you have any programmatic save record commands you will have to deprecate those lines.

Public Sub turnOffFormProps()
Dim strForm As String, db As DAO.Database
Dim doc As DAO.Document
Set db = CurrentDb

For Each doc In db.Containers("Forms").Documents
strForm = doc.Name
DoCmd.OpenForm strForm, acDesign
Debug.Print Forms(strForm).Properties("AllowAdditions")
Forms(strForm).Properties("AllowAdditions") = False
Debug.Print Forms(strForm).Properties("AllowDeletions")
Forms(strForm).Properties("AllowDeletions") = False
DoCmd.Close acForm, strForm, acSaveYes
Next doc

Set doc = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub

Configuration vs Programming

I used to find configuration kind of frustrating – highly repetitive unintuitive and often changing as software versions change.

I now consider it a simple exercise in rote learning for which there is no solution except perseverance, patience and determination and I try to find out the names and numbers of the key administrators.

This change in perception means I no longer feel the kind of frustration I previously felt. I am also much more likely to refer to manuals than trying to guess my way through a menu system which was in retrospect the impatience of youth. As a result I am much more organised in documenting and keeping documentation and I think more productive as a result.

The amount of setups that are hindered by insufficient security privileges being available to the  individual doing setup must amount to millions of lost hours. Please for those giving configuration tasks to individuals build in large amounts of time for configuration. If you don’t you’ll probably just be burnt.

Programming by comparison seems gloriously imaginative and logical. Makes me think that a fundamental reason why users hate changes in Operating Systems is because of configuration. They have to re-learn quite a few sets of obscure unintuitive procedures no matter how nice the UI is, they last sorted out X years ago when they bought their previous device. As for the XP, Win 7, Win 8 debate – personally I like Win 8.1, got it on my surface. Maybe because the configuration of Win 8.1 seems like a complete doddle to the kind of obscure software packages I normally have to deal with.