Wanting to demonstrate a database and need to scramble the data?


Here’s a nice function I found that will completely randomize information within fields of a database. Data will not be recoverable from this process which of course is its strength.

Good if you are wanting to demonstrate a database to people that normally contains sensitive information but don’t have time to make up your own records.
Works on text fields and will randomize numbers as further numbers and letters as further letters.

Public Function ScrambleID(parmString) As String
    Dim lngLoop As Long
    Const cNum As String = "0123456789"
    Dim strNewChar As String
    Dim strThisChar As String
    For lngLoop = 1 To Len(parmString)
        strThisChar = Mid$(parmString, lngLoop, 1)
            Select Case strThisChar
                Case "A" To "Z"
                    strNewChar = Mid$(cAlpha, Int(Rnd * Len(cAlpha)) + 1, 1)
                Case "0" To "9"
                    strNewChar = Mid$(cNum, Int(Rnd * Len(cNum)) + 1, 1)
            End Select
        Loop While strNewChar = strThisChar
        ScrambleID = ScrambleID & strNewChar
End Function