MS SQL Azure – CREATE USER with read only access to 2 tables

In a lot of situations you may need a satellite website feeding off the main website with greatly reduced access.

It is a good idea to only give that user access to only what they need and limit it down to the bare minimum.
Here I have an azure database called LandRegister and I connect to it in the usual way through SSMS.

Use LandRegister

USE LandRegister

CREATE user TestUserRestricted with password = 'Password01';

Next you can go to the security section after a refresh to see if the user has been added.

And then grant access to the tables you wish them to see.

USE LandRegister

GRANT SELECT on dbo.T0003NLPRSites to TestUserRestricted
GRANT SELECT on dbo.T0024Authority to TestUserRestricted;

TestUserRestricted can now be used by your web application without any fear that
1) A USER cannot login to a server through SQL Server Management Studio
2) That they can see anything except the tables listed.
3) That in this case they can do anything except select statements on the stated tables. (So no write delete or updates on table)

Here I give full access to the table

USE LandRegister

dbo.T039Country to TestUserRestricted;

And it works with views as well

Use LandRegister

GRANT SELECT on dbo.v032 to TestUserRestricted;