Below some standard code that I use to loop through a selection of records and create a string from the individual [Email] s in the below case the e-mails are passed to a form (FORMTOOPEN) – if you are using this then all text in capitals will need to be replaced by application specific information. You want to set up a global variable that is made public which you can pass the combined rsemail (in this case SendBCC) string to between opening up forms.
I tend to have a module called modGlobalVariables and I would put this in
Public SendBcc as string
Remember to be careful with your variable definitions – If you have the same variable dimensioned locally within a command and publically over the whole project values may not appear as expected when you get them.
Private Sub CommandGroupEmail_Click() On Error GoTo Err_CommandGroupEmail_Click DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70 MsgBox "Please note all available e-mails are placed in BCC section of a new form in alphabetical person name order. If a person doesn't have a listed e-mail address he/she will be omitted", , "APPLICATIONNAME" Dim MyDB As DAO.Database Dim rsEmail as DAO.Database Set MyDB = OpenDatabase("\\SERVERNAME\DIRECTORYPATH\" & "TARGET.MDB") Set rsEmail = MyDB.OpenRecordset("SELECT STATEMENT HERE" With rsEmail .MoveFirst Do Until rsEmail.EOF If IsNull(![Email]) = False Then SendBcc = SendBcc & rsEmail![Email] & ";" MessageSubject = "" End If .MoveNext Loop End With stDocName = "FORMTOOPEN" DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria Set MyDB = Nothing Set rsEmail = Nothing SendBcc = "" Exit_CommandGroupEmail_Click: Exit Sub Err_CommandGroupEmail_Click: If Err.Number = 2501 Then MsgBox "The e-mail was cancelled without sending", , "APPLICATIONNAME" Exit Sub If Err.Number = 3734 Then MsgBox "There are no Records Cancelling", , "APPLICATIONNAME" Exit Sub Else MsgBox Err.Number End If End If Resume Exit_CommandGroupEmail_Click End Sub
Note on loading of the new form you will need to pass SendBCC into whatever text box you wish to see it in where Me.Bcc is the name of the field receiving the SendBCC string.
Private Sub Form_Load() Me.Bcc = SendBcc End Sub