Save Record before Event

If users are editing or creating a record and there is an option on the form to print out the form if they press it they will expect the information that they have just created to appear on the print preview. Normally MS Access does not save the information to the database until the record is exited or specifically instructed. This can lead to user confusion when they enter a record hit print preview expecting to see the record and see a blank preview.

Placing the following code before calling the print preview will ensure that the record is saved prior to the print preview being triggered resulting correct information being displayed in the print easy. An easy fix – you should always do the easy wins.!

Note order is important, put this before the event you are wishing to trigger (quite ubiquitous in my code)

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70

Its the constant small touches that make great applications

Towards the best table design for Addresses

Floor Reference or Flat No
Building Name or House Name
House/Building/Unit Number
Street Name
Through Street
Town or City

A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

OK so I didn’t know who he was either until I did a search on simplicity but I wanted to record my best field structure for the storage of addresses which although important is on a par with watching paint dry in terms of excitement. Despite this addresses are central to a heck of a lot of applications so it is important to get it right. This copes with pretty much most addresses. I mainly use locality in larger towns or cities to denote a sub area specifically for users as you can guarantee they will be unfamiliar with the majority of specific street names and particularly for users who are doing business in the same city they are located in it is very useful for them to have a quick understanding of where things are in relation to the assets of the operation involved. Such “context” can be added by using maps but will come for free with intelligent staff if you give them opportunity. I long ago dropped counties and districts but I could see if you were in a larger country such as Russia or America could be useful to note state / oblast etc.. Additionally in the UK town is really postal town – which is often not obvious at all – it can be overkill but you can organise addresses so that postal town is referenced from the town automatically. Probably overkill.

Information on BS7666
National Land and Property Gazeteer

Appropriate User Interfaces

I have three guitars 10 windsurfers and 4 bikes (5 if you count a static exercise bike) I have three regularly used computers (tablet , desktop and laptop) – four if you count my phone. My bikes are not duplicates one is for racing, one is for training, one is for commuting and the final one for mountain biking. I often use my commuting bike instead of my car. I try my hand at DIY and have got to the point of building a cupboard containing drawers only for tools I have so many tools I cannot list them all from memory.

I get the impression that companies are pushing for all applications to be pushed to the web. Fine but if you have invested in an amazing building with an amazing Local Area Network why push absolutely everything to the web? Milk your assets often the longer you leave it the more stable the web environment will be – it still continues to experience massive change. Web has its advantages but flexible cheap very rich User Interface design doesn’t seem to be it. The benefit of database driven applications today is that the backend is totally independent of the User Interface. Developing an internal local area based UI can be totally independent of building a web based user interface.

Carefully consider and don’t be afraid to use the full range of tools available to you get the backend right and then work on a very very usable front end. Users want quick usable design that fit their needs they really don’t care about the technology.

Forcing or Limiting Columns Using Cross Tab Queries

MS Access has a version of SQL that can be edited to enforce specific columns being shown in queries.

Within the query editor navigate to the SQL View

Normally when a cross-tab query is selected MS Access will generate columns for every value that exists. This is often very useful but if there are no values there may be gaps in the scale. Additionally you may wish to limit the number of columns that are displayed in the query or force limited numbers to tally with a report. Some reports will crash if certain columns are not found.

Generally the last line of SQL code within a query will follow a similar syntax to the following;

PIVOT [QueryName].YEAR;

Where YEAR is an actual field name that could alter in your circumstances

Altering this to the following will for instance generate years 2000 to 2010 with no gaps even if there are no values in certain columns.

PIVOT [QueryName].YEAR in ("2000","2001","2002","2003","2004","2005","2006","2007","2008","2009","2010");

Business Continuity

I see Business Continuity frequently evidenced as a reason by management to disallow staff responsibility for their business systems. The belief being that individuals will become too central to the operation of the organisation and will become somehow irreplaceable.

For the record I would like to state that I consider this to be failed logic.

Parents with children will encourage them to take responsibility by trusting them with tasks. Why is this important? Why? Because one day the parents won’t be there to support their children who will have to stand on their own two feet and it is better for the offspring to make mistakes with the parents there to catch them than to wait till the parents are gone and then for them to make the same mistakes. Many parents consider that their children do things in inefficient ways nonetheless they continually trust them. The world continues to progress and the human race continues to be the most successful species on the planet (hands down). It is the mechanism of passing knowledge down from one generation to another. So giving responsibility and trusting children far from decreasing continuity has a long history of ensuring it.

If anyone uses business continuity as a reason to prevent individuals from being given responsibility you might want to highlight the above point to them.

The Handover – where the dragons lie


The handover – often someone figures out that something needs to be done – maybe they have realised an important omission or maybe there is a problem that only comes to light in a process when you start designing.

For whatever reason you can’t do the work yourself and you need to hand the work to someone else. This I consider to be a dangerous task the threat of information loss is immense. Here are some points I try to ensure to minimise this ever present risk.

Give it to an identifiable person – I always find it curious how top management consider it important that they know each other and feel comfortable in each others presence they carefully pick their colleagues and treat them with respect by ensuring accurate names are used and generally constantly talking to each other often informally and flexibly. However I have seen systems implemented by management which actively discourage these same forms of informal communication and actually discourage personal responsibility.

Give that person tasked responsibility for the whole task and allow them the flexibility to tackle it how they see fit. People adjust processes so that they are more productive and will use their personal skills in the workplace often when they were not hired on that basis. A regular example of this is probably individuals who can speak multiple languages. I have seen several situations where a customer from another nation arrives and someone in a team happens to speak their language in a flexible environment that person often gets involved in that task simply because good communication is the first step in tackling a problem. I was in the Premier Inn in London and I was pleased to note that the staff all had badges on them noting not just their names but the flags relating to languages they could speak. It was nice to see waiters with multiple flags on them. Gave you just a small bit of background on the person and encouraged customers of particular nationalities to seek out correct staff.

Give it to someone who is familiar with the domain (scope of work) complicated tasks need not just technical skill but domain specific skill. Most people know how a booking systems works as nearly everyone is familiar with booking things online. But would you expect a general programmer to be familiar with the process of registering births marriages and deaths or submitting tax returns for instance. If someone doesn’t have domain specific skills give them extra time.

Close physical proximity is a bonus – so called water cooler conversations are often about work even if it may stray into what might be considered gossip. For some even then gossip may inform you of particular tender subjects that allow you to better consider the respect of your colleagues and better conduct yourself in conversation to get the optimum of work between individuals. It also allows for constant review of process and answer of questions when they arise. I prefer in e-mails to ask single questions at a time. I find that if you store up questions in a massive e-mail the first two questions are asked and the others are just omitted. As far as I can tell this is a human trait. Its my experience that when I sit close to individuals I ask questions when they arise which when answered usually completely negate the need for further questions. This uses comparative advantage which is always a bonus.

Concentrate on the outcomes not the technology that they are using especially if there are no costs to something let them use what they want. Databases are databases – spreadsheets are spreadsheets – they prefer the dvorak keyboard to qwerty keyboard good for them. For some spreadsheets are better for them than databases others will always choose databases – Does it really matter. I have seen some really excellent spreadsheets for tasks that I would have preferred to use databases. You could argue one over the other for particular tasks and maybe even prove that one was better than the other on somekind of mathematical basis. But would SQL Server really be better for your granny than a spreadsheet. NO.

Ensure that the individual will have a continual link to the system post development – he should recognise that the stability and the continuation of the system is as important as simply pushing something out the door.

At least initially continually check up on the individual and ensure that things are progressing as intended. This requires time at the beginning but you should be able to wind it down after that.

Handovers are fraught with danger don’t make them be fraught with danger for you.

International Domain Names

I was helping to set up a domain for a friend the other day and I wondered whether they would like a domain in Cyrillics. Led to the question was that even possible.

I try to be aware and present but things pass me by sometimes. Particularly because I don’t really watch television. I have already posted about Cyrillics not being supported in some visual basic editors well turns out Cyrillics were not supported for URLs until 6th of May 2010.

It would be interesting to see the take up of Cyrillic URLs I note that the Cyrillic domain of Yandex url яндекс.рф re-directs to a latin version

One interesting url is the Russian President

Some quick research has revealed that DNS convention is old (no real surprise there) and only supports the 26 Latin characters A through Z numbers and the dash. When a non-latin based URL is placed in the address line the alphabet is re-encoded to a system called Punycode which is a way of representing a domain name with a non-DNS character set within the DNS character set. These domains are called International Domain Names (IDNs) If you wish to display IDNs properly within the address bar you need to go to Chrome settings and select the appropriate language relating to the character set of the IDN the url should appear correct otherwise you get a strange punycode translation that might be mistaken some weird non-base ten numerate system.

Doubtless Yandex did not consider this attractive as many peoples first reaction to that kind of URL would be to think that they had been re-directed to a dodgy website.

SQL Saturday coming to Edinburgh again 13 June 2015

SQL Saturday is coming to Edinburgh again Saturday 13 June 2015 I hope to attend. I have attended the two previous events I highly recommend it. Thanks must go to Jennifer Stirrup and others for taking time out to organise and speak at it.
Venue is Pollock Halls on the edge of Holyrood Park in the beautiful city of Edinburgh.

Edinburgh SQL Saturday event page

Project Management – Things that help lead to successful outcomes

Update its interesting to compare this post with a post I made later on the same subject..

Extraction Transformation and Load some thoughts on a large IT transfer project


Many roles within organisations now require good project management skills especially when it comes to implementing new IT systems and applications. But are there things that can be put in place at the beginning to improve your chance of success. I would say yes and if I am involved in a project my personal guidelines are as follows;

Step 1 : Get Stuck In
The benefit of computers is that manipulated electrons are essentially free and immortal. Try to rearrange a few. If you aren’t getting anywhere wipe them and then re-arrange them some more. Even if you are not successful you are successful in knowing that one particular arrangement cannot be achieved. You are creating a machine just like children do with Lego or engineers create with bricks and mortar except your bricks can immediately be removed and copied infinitely and each additional brick often costs nothing. In most organisations you will quickly come up against configuration and security problems. Configuration and security problems come out of nowhere often and can be project killers best to know about them up front.

Step 2 : Know your Technology
If you don’t know it at the beginning you better hope you know it at the end – go to step 1 if you are struggling with step 2 – That’s recursion for you.

Step 3 : Increment often , test constantly and try to keep focused
Set short deadlines and try to regularly meet with colleagues or clients to show progress – can be frustrating if colleagues or clients start going off on tangents especially in meetings so try to keep focused on the remit.

Step 4 : Know the Process
To date I haven’t been asked to design any systems that I have had particular difficulty in understanding the process. Undoubtedly I think this would be different if I was trying to create an application for geology exploration or for instance mapping or maybe translation. The mathematics behind those kind of applications are complicated. Most business processes tend to be remarkably simple and the simple act of normalizing the data is usually enough for me to get to grips on how the system will be used.

Step 5 : Build in redundancy
Properly normalize your data build in extra fields if you want even if they are not used – for example collecting information on individuals I always add a field for date of birth even if its not spec’d invariably someone comes along and says actually it would be useful to know what age our customers are.

Step 6 : Have privileges
There’s nothing that will slow down a project quicker if you have to hand over responsibility of tasks to uninterested individuals who are not part of the project team. Better to have those people in the team and make sure they are on board with the importance of following through with the project.

Good luck and happy hunting

Predictable URL design

Being-predictable-allows-others-to-control-youAs we move to more and more web based applications it is going to be more and more important for developers to really think about how users access their web applications. Individual pages or search options may be more important than the simple landing pages. Particularly if you are wanting to get customers and users to be continually coming back to your site. Often the home page is very much a preamble that is likely to be skipped as quickly as possible so maybe if you have a single purpose site you want to have the search right up at the front on that landing page – alternatively if you have multiple applications essentially combined as part of a domain each search page needs to have a lot of care and attention to allow the user to get to his required information as quickly as possible.

In many cases it is particularly useful to have URLs to which can be passed parameters – I have already talked about my use of Google Maps in this respect but the list of sites that have predictable URLs that can be manipulated objectively with outside non-key referenced attributes reads as a list of the A to Z of some of the best companies on the web.

Examples as follows.

Linlithgow can be swapped out for anything and you can go straight to a list of the books you are interested in. Here’s an example of three different search strings Linlithgow, Quantum Mechanics and Programming.

The structure can change which is fine, as long as it is predictable and regular, here swapping two locations of the parameter “television” returns items for sale.

S1 jobs
Some sites will require links that have some knowledge of the parameters before hand. S1 jobs usually build the search string from a dynamic drop down list.

In such circumstances a developer will be able to directly link by noting the parameters and making the same parameters available within their application that builds the link url. (example parameters include fife / edinburgh-and-lothians/ inverness /glasgow-dunbartonshire )

Sky Scanner
Certain applications actively require dates – no problem.

Compare this with something like – a nice site which will not accept parameters from outside of it.

Unfortunately within the UK public bodies just have not reached this level of complication possibly because they often have a much wider remit. I did a brief search and was unable to find an example although I expect there to be some out there.

Guidelines for E-mails

Not the most exciting of subjects but everyone is involved in communication whether its sorting out lunch with a friend through to organising massive engineering projects. Confusion and misinformation is always an ongoing risk resulting from bad communication which results in individuals either not getting on board with a topic or going off and doing needless work. Today I really rallied against the endless stream of emails I had been cc’d into. I realised that I am probably as guilty as others in doing this so I decided I should figure out some guidelines for tightening up my e-mail etiquette

My guidelines;

1)If you are replying delete generic titles and write a title which is more specific about what is contained in the e-mail. (Try not to use Re: if you have to state Reply )
2)Spend time making and crafting a really relevant reply which is as targeted as possible.
3)If possible delete the train wreck of replied e-mails – most of them are not read by anyone and quite often have all sorts of tags, addresses and generic images which are totally irrelevant.
4)Be economical in cc e-mails if you want to introduce others into a project – write a specific introduction e-mail for that individual explaining everything don’t just copy them into a massive e-mail and expect them to go back through and figure out what is going on.
5)If you have questions that you need answered really start with the question and explain the context.
6)Use pictures – They are useful and e-mails really support pictures very very well now.
7)If you have simple calculations from excel spreadsheets contain them as images in the e-mail attachments are annoying and take time to open up.
8)If you are working with people on a project you really need to have met the people. If they are in your building why not go and introduce yourself?
9)Hey use the phone its there it costs nothing again more important if you don’t know the person.
10)Don’t just write with questions – if you have an outcome that you think is important or you’ve received some positive feedback after project completion let the others on the project know about it.
11)Generally aim to be positive and supportive
12)If you make commitments try to remember them and stick to them.

Access Connection Strings – Link

Some notes on using SQL Server connection strings both using the default ODBC client drivers and also the native SQL Server driver.

Juan Soto of Access Experts explains connection strings from MS Access to SQL Server

Additionally I am hearing that it is better to use the SQL Server Native Client ODBC driver than the default SQL Server driver as a recent security update on SQL Server has caused issue with some applications using the default SQL driver.

Juan Soto of Access Experts explains issues with November 2014 SQL Server update for MS Access applications

Comparative Advantage

My opinion on fixing things is that if someone has to sit around and watch you fix something the cost of the job is not just your time in fixing it but it’s also the cost of the time of the person sitting around and watching you fix the thing and the unhappiness that they feel in being pretty helpless.

Hence another reason to empower users.

How do you truly asses the cost of a job – if you are in private business it tends to be everything that you do to undertake the work. How long it is going to take you to get to the location to do the work , how much it will cost you to get to that location. In some large businesses things like time to get to a location to fix the item tends to be totally overlooked – this can be a not insignificant amount of time even if there is no revenue cost. I don’t care who you are I’m of the opinion you want to be reducing wasted time as much as possible.

Dealing with Dates can still catch you out

The other day I was dealing with dates and I found a cracking little gotcha that might just be catching a few people out.

When is 07/11/14 not 07/11/14

When one is 17 November 2014 and one is 17 November 1914

I’ve been dealing with legal dates and I needed to set dates some 25 years in the future for payments of moneys. That’s fine just typing in dates I’ve been putting dates in which turn out to be a century in the past. This led me to investigate.

Within windows we get very used to typing in dates by using 6 digits – 01/01/14 or 09/05/15 – most users computers would recognise these dates as 1st of January 2014 and 9th September 2015. What many users may not consider , myself included , is that the interpretation of the year in this scenario is relative. That is relative to a century. We happen to be in the 21st century but if you type in 99 most computers will interpret the year as 1999 and not 2099. Fine but at what time does it change the century. Well turns out there is a configuration setting.

Here’s how you get to the configuration settings in Win 8.1

Control Panel
Clock, language and Region
Set the date and time…
Change date and time

Should get you to the following;


Then hit Change calendar settings;


The danger is of course that users will type in 07/11/30 thinking this will be 2030 when the two digit interpretation configuration will interpret it as 7 November 1930. How it interprets this comes down to the above setting. I believe at present this is the default setting.

Its one to watch out for and doubtless it may be catching some organisations out.

Developer Operations and Empowering Users My Opinion

Recently I was listening to a Channel 9 Microsoft podcast talking about how their products could be used in developer operator environments. Interestingly the podcast talked about Developer Operations being a subdivision of the central IT department and how once an application was up and running the developer would never hand over support to a separate team to maintain the code. Regards this definition I would go further and suggest that organisations should encourage super users aka citizen programmers to develop processes and applications themselves. A mid-way strategy might be to station professional developers with the applications within the sections for whom they do the work and responsible to the divisional head and NOT the IT section. I suggest the benefits of this approach are as follows;

Geographical location – Not all users work in offices where you have access to 47 inch screens with instant Skype, team viewer access and 24/7 high bandwidth internet access. Those supporting an application sometimes end up talking to Betty the cleaner who is on a landline 20 metres from the computer with the issues, the only reason you are speaking to her is because she just happened to pick up the phone, on further questioning she does have an e-mail account but hasn’t used it for a couple of weeks, she politely tells you everyone else has gone home but is sure if you phone back on Monday someone will help out. You think damn if I could just sit at the machine and see what’s actually going on. Also describing what can be UI graphical issues in text or speech is incredibly inefficient 95% of the useful information is often lost in translation. It can be impossible to articulate or describe UI problems except by demonstration. A Developer operator that is local doesn’t have to rely on understanding the problem second hand their first experience of the problem is often first hand even if it’s not they often immediately familiarise themselves with it first hand. What’s better than having an excellent logging system for tracking problems? Yes you bet, not needing one in the first instance.

Aligning your staff with Corporate Objectives – there is a reason rental houses tend to be more run down than privately owned properties. If something goes wrong it its not going to be the occupiers cost to fix it – its not my job to make it work well. This is rarely the case with people who build and operate their own systems their motivation quickly aligns with the organisations objectives – if they can make it work better by predicting problems and fixing them before they arise, their life is made easier so, they tend to get in gear.

Motivation – if they can make it work better by predicting problems and fixing them before they arise their life is made easier, that is a powerful motivator to get things right and to predict problems before they arise. The people who fight for systems are usually the users. I’ve come across a lot of IT support where they get it to an “acceptable” level which usually means it gets a completion tick often the minimum is done to get the thing working. I was once on a project and was trying to get an icon working for the web application. I got the icon from the central team but wasn’t very happy with the look of it as I thought it looked bad. I asked the project manager he agreed it looked crap but his closing comment was “who cares it was authorised”

Education – Hey guess what you learn things about your work if you know how your tools work. You start making connections that feed back to improved practices. There’s an actual name for this Constructionism proposed by among others Seymour Papert – actually the ideas been around for about as long as people have been able to think.

A quote attributed to Aristotle ;

“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them”

I believe people to be naturally intelligent with the ability to pick things up – especially if they are immersed in the problem – case in point learning a language. Everyone learns it by immersion and because they have to. I don’t like the implication that because most people aren’t going to be the next Einstein they can’t be taught things I have yet to come across a colleague, myself included who hasn’t been more useful because they know more rather than less.

Reaction Time – for insurance purposes people are duty bound to mitigate damage. Now they do better job at this if they are actually on site when things happen. Central developers often have very little visibility on some of their projects and it may be days before they hear about something. Often the time to reaction can be critical in reducing damage. A water leak spotted in five minutes is fixable – left for a day and its a disaster. Granted the majority of applications aren’t that important however the same principle still applies.

An on hand developer operator doesn’t preclude additional support whereas central support requires it – they do the easy stuff they call for help for the difficult stuff. Additionally they are reliable contact for accurate description and dissemination of important information. This can be very useful. It is easy to get outside help in when things are needed it is not easy to suddenly train up local staff to accurately describe a difficult problem.

Good pedigree – hang on here’s some famous developer operators – Mark Zuckerberg programmer entrepreneur / Jeff Bezos entrepreneur and computer scientist / Bill Gates entrepreneur and programmer / David Braben entrepreneur and programmer / Sergey Brin computer scientist and entrepreneur. You might know what companies they founded. Do they promote dev-ops at their companies – I think they do. Oh and I even left out Elon Musk

Prioritisation of Work Load – Local users are far better at judging importance. The importance of a job may not relate to its difficulty or complexity. This makes it a requirement to understand the domain when deciding on what problems need to be solved first. Here’s an example – a company is going to close on a deal if they can print out and deliver a tender document. The users were a bit rushed and left it to the last minute. IT support know roughly what is going on but aren’t completely ear to the ground on tendering so the main printer support guy is off on holiday. Besides he thinks in the normal course of events a dropped printer is not an emergency. Extreme example but this kind of reward / problem ranking happens all the time. Ok computer support systems allow you to rank problems – that kind of fuzzy logic is exactly the kind of things that never really works out well and usually doesn’t allow for altering of priorities after submission. This can lead to businesses adopting the everything is important or nothing is important default setting. The first has people shouting at each other for totally unimportant tasks while the latter leads to speed of a sloth.

Security is a phony excuse – you have no defense other than vigilance against a sustained attack from an internal person who is talented. Setting ridiculous security levels on everything to protect against a few valuable parts is totally counter productive. The de-motivation of staff and subsequent inefficiency of process is a far greater danger to the viability of your business than fraud is likely to be. Resulting reduced levels of visibility which ironically can increase the opportunity for fraud and likelihood of major errors.

Trusting Your Gut or When Not to Use Computers.

wargamesAs good as computers are at calculating numbers they are really really bad at doing somethings that humans are just great at like making decisions based on fuzzy logic or translating things between languages. In such situations always go for the human at least until C3P0 comes along. Watson cost $3 million to build, good if you want to play trivial pursuit but ask it to choose between competing software vendors and well you will be nowhere.

That’s you numerical based ranking systems for software purchase!!!

Graphics vs Text

khmerconSo today it is a bit slow for me so I answered a question from a lad in Phnom Phen in Stack Overflow. He was looking for support for Khmer in MS Access 2013, the official language of Cambodia. He has a database but unfortunately he can’t get records to sort alphabetically for Khmer text. I’m not sure I found a solution I made some suggestions. I’m always really interested in questions like that because a solution for him would be the kind of thing that would be useful to anyone able to write Khmer which is presumably millions. I had a look at the alphabet – wow – computer fonts seem to do a terrible job of displaying it reducing it to the point where at a similar scale to other fonts I need a magnifying glass to distinguish differing letters. I guess you just have to choose larger font sizes but it was tiny at the scales I was seeing examples. It made me wonder how much cultures with difficult or tricky languages are disadvantaged in day to day commerce. Obviously to me their alphabet is only pictures.

But then in reality that is only what all alphabets are.

I always think on this when people say we need more pictures and icons in the UI


Never heard of it?

I hadn’t either – it is however a small exe that stands for Code Access Security Policy Tool which enables users and administrators to modify security policy for the client machine to .NET framework.

This tool is automatically installed with .NET frameork.
The following alters privileges of websites to allow them access to the .net framework on the client machine.

The following is the full parameters associated with a .bat file that passes parameters to caspol.exe

C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\caspol -m -ag 1 -url http://servername/* FullTrust
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\caspol -m -ag 1 -url http://servername/* FullTrust
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\caspol -m -ag 1 -url http://servername/* FullTrust
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\caspol -m -ag 1 -url http://servername/* FullTrust


I like to do several things.

Name my tables T001TextVariableInCamelCase incrementing the number
Name my queries Q001TextVariableInCamelCase incrementing the number
Name my forms F001TextVariableInCamelCase incrementing the number

This works well for me – some of my first applications only had 2 numeral positions. I now give new projects 3 digits as the more successful applications generally have more than 100 forms and queries and I like to have everything in order. I have yet to come close to more than 200 forms in an application so I feel confident that 999 is satisfactory. Of course its not a major problem if I go over 999 forms it just doesn’t order so nicely in the database window which tweaks my OCD.

All names have no spaces and are in camel case.

I like to have the forms tagged with this incremental Form Prefix – eg F001 or in the picture below F103. When you have lots of forms it is a lot easier to refer to forms by this unique key. Additionally if you are speaking to a user over the phone you can immediately identify the form that they are on that they may wish additional features on or on which they have found bugs.

These pre-fix conventions are only an implementation of the principles of database design. They are effectively primary keys for differing objects. If I was in the access team I would probably hard wire this feature into the IDE so that code referred to the primary key and text descriptions could be changed retrospectively without breaking links and if possible forms would start with the PKID placed on them. (maybe with the feature available to switch this off)

HIDE MENUS – My UI Design Patterns

Really simple – create a new module and create the following simple functions.

I usually name them TurnMenuOn and TurnMenuOff.

Public Function TurnMenuOn()

   Application.CommandBars("Menu Bar").Enabled = True

End Function

Public Function TurnMenuOff()

   Application.CommandBars("Menu Bar").Enabled = False

End Function

Then you can run at start up by creating a macro that is titled autoexec
And using the Runcode action call the TurnMenuOn() function alternatively you can call it from the form opening.

It is often useful to create a couple of straight Macros that run these functions as well so that when you are in design mode you can quickly run the functions.