This is really great for address matching – take a clean source of information and create a set of update queries looking for strings that will be run on a table with less than clean data.
Public Function CreateTableofSQL() Dim rst1 As DAO.Recordset Dim rst2 As DAO.Recordset Dim db As DAO.Database Dim SQLString As String Dim LCounter As Long Set db = CurrentDb LCounter = 1 While LCounter < 3000</code> <code>LCounter = LCounter + 1</code> <code>Set rst1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT TestTest.XStreetname, TestTest.XFlag, TestTest.Length, TestTest.XStreetname2, TestTest.XFlag FROM TestTest WHERE (((TestTest.XFlag) Is Null Or (TestTest.XFlag) = 0)) ORDER BY TestTest.Length, TestTest.XStreetname2;")</code> <code>SQLString = "UPDATE T002BCAPR SET T002BCAPR.XStreetNameQuery = '" & rst1!XStreetname2 & "' WHERE (((T002BCAPR.LOCADDRESS1) LIKE '*" & rst1!XStreetname2 & "*'));"</code> <code> rst1.Edit rst1!XFlag = 1 rst1.Update rst1.MoveNext rst1.Close Set rst2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("T008SQL") With rst2 .AddNew rst2!SQL = SQLString rst2.Update rst2.Close End With Wend End Function