Another set of very useful scripts mainly dealing with creating hotkeys for common Outlook tasks.
Note that if you are on a laptop you may have pre-mappings for the function keys in which case you will need to quite possibly go for alternatives.
F8:: Run C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\OUTLOOK.EXE /c ipm.note return F9:: ;Inbox keystroke = ^1 parameters = Gosub open Return F10:: ;Calender keystroke = ^2 parameters = "outlook:calendar" Gosub open Return F11:: ;Contacts keystroke = ^3 parameters = outlook:contacts Gosub open Return F12:: PROCESS, EXIST, OUTLOOK.EXE PID := ERRORLEVEL IF ERRORLEVEL <> 0 { LOOP, { WINSHOW, AHK_CLASS rctrl_renwnd32 WINACTIVATE, AHK_CLASS rctrl_renwnd32 WINWAITACTIVE, AHK_PID %PID% AHK_CLASS rctrl_renwnd32 WINGETACTIVETITLE, TITLE WINCLOSE, %TITLE% WINWAIT,, Are you sure you want to permanently delete all the items and subfolders in the "Deleted Items" folder?,3 CONTROLSEND, , {ENTER}, AHK_CLASS #32770, Are you sure you want to permanently delete all the items and subfolders in the "Deleted Items" folder? IF A_INDEX > 30 PROCESS, CLOSE, OUTLOOK.EXE PROCESS, EXIST, OUTLOOK.EXE IF ERRORLEVEL = 0 BREAK } } return DetectHiddenWindows, On Process, Exist, outlook.exe If !ErrorLevel Run outlook.exe Return open: Process, Exist, outlook.exe If (ErrorLevel != 0) { WinActivate ahk_class rctrl_renwnd32 WinWaitActive ahk_class rctrl_renwnd32 Send %keystroke% } else Run outlook.exe %parameters% Return