Javascript – Nubuilder Specific to save Date to DateUpdated field on Record Change (not subform)

From the admin screen go to Develop / Forms / Form of choice / Custom Code / Javascript

To place focus on the search button

function nuLoadBrowse(){

Function to Get System Date

function GetTodayDate() {
    var tdate = new Date();
    var dd = tdate.getDate(); //yields day
    var MM = tdate.getMonth(); //yields month
    var twoDigitMonth = ((tdate.getMonth().length+1) === 1)? (tdate.getMonth()+1) : '' + (tdate.getMonth()+1);
    var yyyy = tdate.getFullYear(); //yields year
    var currdate = dd + "-" + twoDigitMonth + "-" + yyyy;

    return currdate;

Function to update field called “DateUpdated” on edit- to be used with the GetTodayDate() function

function nuOnSave() {
if (nuFORM.edited == true)
        $( "#DateUpdated" ).val( GetTodayDate() );
    return true; 
